December, 2014

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12 tips to recharge your supply chain

DELMIA Quintiq

'Ready to supercharge your supply chain for 2015? There’s no better time than the present. Here are 12 actionable tips to revitalize various aspects of your supply chain. Supply chain visibility: Not for your eyes only. Tip 1: Make sure you can see what’s happening – always. How certain are you that the due date you are about to quote is accurate? Spreadsheet-based planning – and even certain sophisticated planning tools – can fail to give you the visibility you need to check the accuracy of you

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Is the Package Under your Tree?

Supply Chain Shaman

'Details matter. Execution is essential. …it might make a difference on what is under your tree. In 2014, ecommerce strategies grew in importance. In the last decade, ecommerce was a permissible and desirable channel only for retailers. At that time, manufacturers talked about customer-centric supply chains, but were afraid to aggressively adopt ecommerce strategies.

Packaging 290

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[Infographic] The Power of 3D Printing in Manufacturing: An Illustrated Guide


'Editor’s Note: We love talking about and reporting on technology which effects and also makes the lives’ of manufacturing companies much better. We’ve been providing manufacturing companies and shippers with a web-based transportation management system since 1998, before web-based TMS was as prolific as it is today. We built one of the first Mobile TMS apps , have the only end-to-end LTL eCommerce Freight shipping applications for B2B shopping carts, continue to innovate on in

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Facebook for Supply Chain Communication and Collaboration?

Talking Logistics

'“Communicate, Collaborate, Innovate” — I’ve been using that line as the subtitle of my keynote presentations this year. My first question to the audience: Why communicate, collaborate, and innovate in that order? Why not innovate first? The short answer is that communication and collaboration — especially, and most importantly, between people — is the foundation of supply chain management, and you can’t effectively innovate without that strong foundation.

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The 2025 Annual ProcureCon CPO Report

Procurement leaders are at a pivotal moment. With CPOs playing an increasingly strategic role, it’s time to leverage innovation and technology to drive resilience and efficiency. Download The 2025 Annual ProcureCon CPO Report to uncover key insights to thrive in a dynamic procurement landscape. What’s Inside: How CPOs are driving strategic decision-making and technology adoption The top priorities and challenges for procurement in 2025 Why AI, sustainability, and data analytics are essential for

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Your supply chain is costing you money – Reason #9: Relentless pursuit of one metric at the expense of other metrics.


'by John Westerveld. Over the years, working for and with numerous manufacturing companies, I’ve seen many supply chain practices that cost companies money. Over the next several weeks, I’ll outline these issues and discuss some ideas around how to avoid these practices. You can find the previous posts here: Reason #1: Offshoring without getting the full picture.

More Trending

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Expert Explains How to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency

Supply Chain Opz

'Over the years, supply chain professionals have been trying to improve supply chain efficiency so they can gain an edge over the competitions. In this guest commentary, Thomas Roemer, Executive Director of the Leaders for Global Operations at MIT Sloan School of Management will show you where the problem lies and ways we can deal with this issue. Companies seeking to further improve their supply chain efficiency will have to continue fighting their old foe – variability – albeit in a set of new

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Supply Chains By the Numbers

Supply Chain Shaman

'Tomorrow starts a new year. It will take me awhile to adjust. Intellectually, while I will know that year has changed, I will screw-up time, and time, again by writing 2014 on documents for many, many months. For me, tonight sitting facing the city skyline in the dark, 2015 sounds so far in the future; but, I know that it is on the horizon. I take the years that end in the numbers five and zero a bit more seriously than other years.

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Electronic Data Interchange or EDI in Transportation: Breaking Down What it is and How It Works


'Today begins our series about electronic data interchange or EDI in transportation. We take pride at Cerasis, as a third party logistics company who has developed a proprietary web-based transportation management system , to offer technology solutions to our shippers so they may remain as efficient as possible and have access to information at their fingertips.

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Google Will Acquire a 3PL – And Other Supply Chain and Logistics Predictions for 2015

Talking Logistics

'“We will see $300 a barrel — or roughly $250 in today’s dollars — because oil supply will be so short. If you want that oil, that’s what you will have to pay for it. That will be in 2015, after the peak of oil [supply].”. Charles Maxwell, a well-known analyst at Weeden & Co., made that prediction in 2008 (see the Barron’s article What $300-a-Barrel Oil Will Mean for You ).

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Enterprise ABM Marketing Tools: A Marketers Guide

Savvy B2B marketers know that a great account-based marketing (ABM) strategy leads to higher ROI and sustainable growth. In this guide, we’ll cover: What makes for a successful ABM strategy? What are the key elements and capabilities of ABM that can make a real difference? How is AI changing workflows and driving functionality? This Martech Intelligence Report on Enterprise Account-Based Marketing examines the state of ABM in 2024 and what to consider when implementing ABM software.

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Your supply chain is costing you money – Reason #10 Failure to adequately train your supply chain planning staff


'by John Westerveld Over the years, working for and with numerous manufacturing companies, I’ve seen many supply chain practices that cost companies money. Over the next several weeks, I’ll outline these issues and discuss some ideas around how to avoid these practices. You can find the previous posts here: Reason #1: Offshoring without getting the full picture.

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Dealing with Supply Chain Big Data

Logistics Viewpoints

'My earlier blog (What is Hadoop and Why Should a Supply Chain Professional Care?) generated a lot of attention and I was asked to write a follow up. While Hadoop has a future in supply chain management, because of the massive amounts of data generated, so do plenty of other big data technologies. Think about […].

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Our must-read picks for 2014

DELMIA Quintiq

'As another year comes to a close, we want to say a big thank you to all our readers for another great year on the Quintiq blog. To end on a high note, we’ve decided to break convention and have our team pick the posts they liked most this year. Enjoy: 1. Next generation supply chains: The inside story. An intelligent planning solution can do wonders for you, but are your people open to change?

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Power B2B Networks

Supply Chain Shaman

'If you ask companies if they would like better inventory and global supply chain visibility, you will get an overwhelming answer of, “Yes!” However, if you ask companies how they define and deliver global business visibility, you will get stares like, “Doesn’t everyone know what global visibility means?” The answer is simple.

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The Evolving Retailers Fulfillment Strategy: Meeting Demands with Agility

Speaker: Becky Parisotto and John Vurdelja

Fulfillment is no longer just about getting products from point A to point B – it's about crafting seamless, scalable, customer first experiences. Flexible fulfillment strategies are more important than ever for those aiming to stay ahead and build resilience as retail enters a new era in 2025. Learn how to optimize fulfillment processes, tackle complex, multi-vendor orders, and create seamless customer experiences – from white-glove delivery for high-value items to quick-ship solutions for ever

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5 Fundamental Practices to Make The Implementation of Warehouse Technology Pay off Big Time


'Warehouse operations and their efficiency are a key to any company that deals with freight, shipping and inventories. When efficiency lags behind however, orders are lost and things get out of control. This chaotic environment (usually due to those companies who are still using manual process in the warehouse) will directly affect the profits and reputation to customers of your company.

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Supply Chain and Logistics Predictions for 2015

Talking Logistics

'Live Episode: Tuesday, December 16 at 12:00 p.m. ET. Adrian Gonzalez will discuss in more detail his top six supply chain and logistics predictions for 2015, which he wrote about in Google Will Acquire a 3PL – And Other Supply Chain and Logistics Predictions for 2015. What do you think of Adrian’s predictions? What are your predictions for the coming year?

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Best of the Best Supply Chain Blog Posts of 2014


'by Melissa Clow. As you take time over the holidays to sit back and reflect, here are the top ten excerpts from the best of the best posts on the Kinaxis supply chain blog. They touch on hot topics and industry trends discussed over the past year, so grab a coffee (or a spiked eggnog) and enjoy! We look forward to continuing the conversation in the New Year. #1 “And much as we have had to rethink the first applications that were simply a digitization of a paper-based paradigm, we need to rethin

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The Links between Product Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management

Logistics Viewpoints

'I wrote a Logistics Viewpoints article in October that discussed how Diageo has transformed its supply chain from a cost savings function to an enabler of growth-driving innovation. This case discussed how supply chain was elevated to a strategic level due to its critical role in executing new product introductions. I found the connection between […].

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4 Ways To Drive Supply Chain Excellence in the Food Industry

The Supplier Relationship Management Playbook is your guide to building effective supplier partnerships that drive supply chain excellence. This playbook equips supply chain professionals with strategies for managing compliance, tracking performance, and fostering collaboration to reduce supply chain risks. Inside, you’ll find: Strategies for Compliance: Best practices to help meet regulatory standards.

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Smart business planning: What 10 experts say

DELMIA Quintiq

'There’s been an awakening. Have you felt it? You would, if you had joined hundreds of business influencers who attended the Quintiq World Tour this year. Themed “Smart planning. Smart business”, the inaugural Quintiq World Tour is a series of high-powered events held in 10 of the biggest cities around the world. From planning the most modern train in Europe to optimizing the logistics of crude oil delivery along the Mississippi River to managing one-third of the world’s airspace, Quintiq World

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Give New Answers to Bridget

Supply Chain Shaman

'It was a stuffy, hot day, and I found myself sitting by Bridget. The supply chain team was attempting to explain their demand-driven project. They were asking for funding; and Bridget, the treasurer, was not buying the message. On my way back to the train, I struggled with what had just happened. I had worked hard to teach the team presenting to talk the language of demand , but it was not understood at the board-room level.

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The Top 10 Manufacturing Blog Posts from 2014


'As each year comes to a close, we all look back on the year that was in reflection. Today, we kick off our annual year end series highlighting the top blog posts in each of our 7 main categories: Manufacturing , Supply Chain , Logistics , 3PL , Business , Transportation , Freight. We will feature over the next 7 business days each category’s top 10 most viewed posts over the course of 2014.

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This Week in Logistics News (December 15-19, 2014)

Talking Logistics

'Being the son of Cuban immigrants, people have been asking me what I think abou t the move by President Obama to normalize relations with Cuba. I really don’t know what to think. My brain tells me one thing, my gut another. Which do I trust? Backseat view, on the way to Camaguey (photo by author). When I visited Cuba with my father in 2004, we drove several hours from Cienfuegos to Camaguey to visit my aunt Z and her family.

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Freight Procurement Simplified: Bids from Hours to Minutes

Speaker: Eric Berdinis, Ran Sun, & Chris Chmielewski

Procuring freight can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and error-prone. If you’re frustrated with the complex and manual processes for obtaining bids for your contract and spot freight, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-moving supply chain environment, optimizing these processes is critical to staying competitive and cutting costs. Join this exclusive webinar with experts from Uber Freight to learn how the latest digital tools and automation can transform your freight procurement strategy by strea

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Overcoming the Challenges to Achieving End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility


'by Melissa Clow The 2014 Strategic Road Map for Supply Chain Visibility research recently conducted by Gartner (and included in our new Supply Chain Visibility: Envisioning the Broader Need paper) , describes the current state of maturity as it relates to visibility, as follows: “Most supply chain organizations are at Stage 2 or 3 of supply chain maturity, and thus have an inside-out view of supply chain plans, events and data.

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In-store Shopping Apps and the New Grocery Supply Chain

Logistics Viewpoints

'Over a decade ago, trade journals were talking about smart grocery carts. These grocery carts would have a computer attached to it that could assist consumers in shopping by providing coupons, the location of an item the shopper wants to buy, and even an accelerated check out process if the shopper scanned the items into […].

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Starting 2015 on the Right Foot

Supply Chain Insights

'Starting a company is not easy. It is even more challenging when it is a new business model. This is the story of Supply Chain Insights. We are committed to helping supply chain visionaries gain first-mover advantage through research insights. Forging a new direction and building a research model using open content is challenging. We don’t aspire to be consultants and the analyst model is not universally understood, but we will soon be three years old.

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Five reasons why cloud-based supply chain tech beats traditional on-premise

The Network Effect

'PhotoAtellier (Flickr). What can we say about supply chains with 100% certainty? First, supply chain processes are inherently collaborative activities involving multiple participants whose actions must be synchronized to deliver maximum business performance. Second, supply chain are also a community in which those parties who are already present and connected will be a superior solution framework than an isolated, inward looking enterprise-centric architecture.

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The 25 Types of Innovation Dominating R&D Today

Innovation varies widely across sectors and organizations, creating value in diverse forms. Understanding different types is crucial for R&D teams to foster creativity and uncover missed opportunities. This guide explores 25 key types of innovation in management frameworks.

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4 Benefits Shippers Realize when Transportation EDI is Utilized in a TMS


'According to a research study from Forrester, EDI continues to prove its worth as an electronic message data format. This research states that “the annual volume of global EDI transactions exceeds 20 billion per year and is still growing.”. As a shipper in today’s growing market, there are many advantages to shifting to the use of transportation EDI with your transportation providers or 3PLs.

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New Year’s Resolution #1 for Supply Chain Planners: Improve Performance Measurement

Demand Solutions

New Year’s resolutions: useful gimmick for getting your life in order, or standing joke? The answer to this question is entirely up to you. But regardless of whether you plan to read a book every week, go running every day at 6 AM, or finally put some money in your IRA, I believe the New Year is a perfect time to make some resolutions about your supply chain.

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Transform your supply chain process – don’t just improve it


'by John Westerveld Did you ever hear the joke about the old lumberjack? The old lumberjack came out of the forest and went for supplies. He needed a new saw – his old two-man saw had been sharpened so many times there wasn’t much left. At the store, the salesman showed him the newest tool for cutting trees called a chain saw. The salesman said that he can cut trees 10 times faster than with the two person hand saw.