October, 2009

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Renting products rather than buying them.an option for Sustainable Procurement?


The French Environmental Agenc y published an interesting study on “Functional Economy” (also called “Service Economy”) which means replacing “purchasing products” by “renting products” According to this study, a “Functional Economy” would lead to reduction in raw materials and energy consumption and therefore major environmental benefits.

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Who said supply chains are boring?: Supply Chain Wordle

Supply Chains Rock

'Who said supply chains are boring? Whenever I tell a friend, colleague or family member about my job as soon as the words "supply chain" are muttered I immediately see glassy eyes followed by a yawn or two. Little do they realize that every time they discard or recycle a carton of milk they are completing the end of the supply chain cycle. Without supply chains consumers would be stuck using products that they had to make or grow with their own two hands.

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Who said supply chains are boring?: Trucks, Technology & Twitter.

Supply Chains Rock

'Who said supply chains are boring? Whenever I tell a friend, colleague or family member about my job as soon as the words "supply chain" are muttered I immediately see glassy eyes followed by a yawn or two. Little do they realize that every time they discard or recycle a carton of milk they are completing the end of the supply chain cycle. Without supply chains consumers would be stuck using products that they had to make or grow with their own two hands.